Following the Hema Committee Report, which has implicated several prominent figures in the Malayalam film industry, actor Prithviraj Sukumaran has broken his silence. While many celebrities have stayed quiet, Sukumaran has publicly demanded action and questioned AMMA’s response to the allegations.
The Hema Committee Report, issued by the Kerala government, has made waves by alleging widespread sexual harassment and casting couch practices within the Malayalam film industry. Prithviraj Sukumaran addressed these issues during the launch of his football club, Forca Kochi HC. He expressed his commitment to ensuring the safety of female artists and criticized the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA) for failing to adequately address the victims’ complaints.
Prithviraj Calls for Action Sukumaran stated, “The findings of the report should be taken very seriously. Those responsible for sexual harassment must be punished. People in power should step aside when faced with such allegations. It is not just my responsibility to ensure my film set is safe; it is vital that the entire industry is secure.”
Powerful Group in the Film Industry The report reveals that a group of influential directors, actors, and producers controls the Malayalam film industry. Sukumaran acknowledged this issue, noting, “Just because I haven’t experienced it myself doesn’t mean such a powerful group doesn’t exist. If there are organized efforts to ban artists, action must be taken.”
Resignations from Actors Since the release of the Hema Committee Report, several actresses have accused leading stars of sexual harassment. AMMA’s Joint Secretary Baburaj faces allegations from a junior artist, and previous accusations have been made against Ranjith and Siddique. Siddique has resigned from AMMA and filed a police complaint against actress Revathi Sampath, who made the accusations.
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