The film Kalki 2898 AD, starring Prabhas and Deepika Padukone, has become a hot topic after its release on OTT platforms. Recently, Bollywood actor Arshad Warsi gave his review of the film in an interview. He mentioned that he didn’t like the movie and even called Prabhas’s character a “joker.” Now, people are coming out in support of him.
The film Kalki 2898 AD, starring Prabhas, Deepika Padukone, Amitabh Bachchan, and Kamal Haasan, was released in theaters on June 27 and was well-received by audiences. The film performed excellently at the box office, breaking several records. Within two months of its theatrical release, the movie also premiered on OTT platforms.
Directed by Nag Ashwin, Kalki 2898 AD began streaming on August 22 on Netflix in Hindi and on Prime Video in Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, and Kannada. After watching the movie, Bollywood actor Arshad Warsi commented that he found Prabhas’s character to be a “joker,” a statement that some people are now agreeing with.
Recently, in an interview, Arshad Warsi stated that he watched Kalki and did not like it. He further commented that Prabhas looked like a “joker.” This statement sparked a lot of discussion, and Arshad faced trolling for his opinion. However, some people are now saying that Arshad’s statement was accurate.
One user posted on social media, stating, “Prabhas is undoubtedly a pan-India star, but except for Baahubali, he hasn’t done anything that could be considered an acting masterclass. He may draw the biggest crowds, but in terms of acting, he is quite average. Believe it or not, but Arshad Warsi is 100% correct. His look in Kalki is really bad.”
Another user wrote, “Arshad Warsi didn’t say anything wrong here. He didn’t like Prabhas’s character, and it’s fair to criticize that. In Kalki, Prabhas did look like a joker; all his scenes in the film were very poor.”
These reactions show that while Prabhas continues to have a strong fan base, opinions on his acting in Kalki 2898 AD are mixed, with some viewers aligning with Arshad Warsi’s criticism.
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