The Malayalam film industry is currently facing a storm of allegations. After actress Revathi Sampath accused someone of sexual harassment, AMMA’s general secretary Siddique resigned. Now, Malayalam actress Minu Muneer has accused actor Jayasurya and three others of physically and verbally abusing her and sexually harassing her back in 2013.
Shocking revelations have been emerging from the Malayalam film industry for some time now. The Hema Committee’s report claimed that actresses have been victims of sexual harassment in Mollywood for years.
Now, another case has come to light. Renowned Malayalam actress Minu Muneer has claimed that while working on a project in 2013, her co-stars and technicians verbally and physically mistreated her.
Minu Muneer shared a lengthy post on her social media account, Facebook, accusing actor Jayasurya and several others connected to the production.
Was Minu Muneer Forced to Leave the Malayalam Industry?
Minu Muneer, in a detailed Facebook post, claimed, “I am writing about all the incidents where I was physically and verbally harassed in the Malayalam film industry by Mukesh, Maniyanpilla Raju, Idavela Babu, Jayasurya, Advocate Chandrasekharan, production controller Noble, and Vichu.
In 2013, while I was working on a project, these people treated me badly both physically and verbally, which forced me to leave the Malayalam film industry and move to Chennai.” She also accused Jayasurya, stating that during the shoot of ‘Da Thadiya’, the actor mistreated her.
Actress Seeks Justice in the Matter
In her Facebook post, she further wrote, “I raised my voice against such misconduct in a published paper in Kerala. Now, I am seeking justice for the treatment I suffered, which has caused me so much pain over the years.
I request that strict action be taken against their heinous acts. Thank you for paying attention to this matter.” According to a report by India Today, Minu allegedly accused Idavela Babu of demanding sexual favors in exchange for membership in the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA).
She also accused Maniyanpilla Raju of knocking on her hotel door at night, seeking sexual favors.
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