Kangana Ranaut has always been outspoken about Bollywood’s inner workings. Despite facing setbacks with some projects due to her revelations, her stance remains firm. Currently promoting her film Emergency, she has once again targeted the industry.
Kangana Ranaut continues to voice her criticisms of Bollywood, with a particular focus on figures like Karan Johar, who is often considered central to the industry. As her film’s release approaches, she is unabashed in her criticism.
In a recent discussion with Mashable India, Kangana reiterated her concerns about the industry’s treatment of talented individuals. She revealed that talented people are often mistreated and undervalued. “Bollywood is a hopeless place. They burn with jealousy over talent. Anyone who appears talented is either destroyed or their career is ruined. They are boycotted and defamed with negative PR,” she said.
Regarding her film Emergency, Kangana clarified that although she plays Indira Gandhi, the film is not a biopic. It is set to release on September 7, but has faced controversy, including calls for a ban from Sikh organizations and threats against Kangana.
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