Ankit Kalra, the husband of popular social media influencer Insha Ghai, has passed away. The couple was well-known on Instagram for their entertaining and funny videos, garnering a massive following on the platform. Insha shared the heartbreaking news through a post on Instagram, though the exact cause of his death remains unknown.
Insha Ghai Kalra and her husband Ankit Kalra were beloved on Instagram for their humorous reels. The couple tied the knot in February 2023, but just a year and a half later, their world has been shattered.
Ankit Kalra Was Just 29 Years Old Ankit Kalra passed away on August 19, 2024, at the age of 29. Insha shared this tragic news through a heartfelt note on Instagram. Friends, family, and fans are still in shock, finding it hard to believe that Ankit is no longer with them.
Wife Shares the Sad News Through a Post Just a day after Rakhi celebrations, Insha Ghai posted a picture of her husband Ankit on her Instagram handle, informing her followers of his passing. The image was captioned, “In memory of Ankit Kalra. 24-3-1995…19-8-2024.” While Insha did not reveal the cause of his death, the news has left everyone stunned.
Insha Shared an Emotional Note In her post, Insha expressed her grief, writing, “Take me back one day, and I’ll change everything! Please come back, baby. I miss you.”
Fans Offered Support Following Insha’s post, social media users flooded the comment section with messages of encouragement. One user wrote, “I’m in shock and can’t believe this.” Another commented, “Stay strong, Insha. We are all with you. Rest in peace, Ankit. Still can’t believe it, but we’ll take care of your better half as promised.”
Insha is not only a social media influencer but also a designer. The couple was known for creating funny videos and sharing them on Instagram.
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