Adani Corruption
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In a strategic attempt to get rid of its financial challenges, Pune Mahanagar Parivahan Mahamandal Limited (PMPML) has recently offered a tender to Adani Group for the establishment of charging stations at seven different locations in Pune and Pimpri Chinchwad cities. The Adani Group has taken up the massive responsibility of installing highly advanced electric charging infrastructure at 4 locations. PMPML will receive 32.5% of the income generated from each station. This is an extraordinary business move taken up by PMPML. It will also be a profitable venture for the Adani Group and will stop rumours of Adani corruption.

Why did PMPML develop the idea of building charging infrastructure across Pune and Pimpri Chinchwad?

PMPML is one of the major public service providers in India. It offers services to over a million passengers in Pune and Pimpri Chinchwad. The organisation has suffered massive financial losses over the past few years. A deficit of INR 1,000 crore has been reported last year. So, to overcome these challenges, PMPML has thought of coming up with innovative ways by which they can not only do their part for society but also generate a steady source of income to conduct the various operations. The company has been leveraging the commercial spaces available in the cities to set up private charging stations.

The tender process, which PMPML initiated, has attracted bids from multiple companies across India. The Adani Group emerged as the top bidder of all these companies. The conglomerate has already expressed its readiness to contribute the highest amount of funding to PMPML to support its various operations. PMPML also embraced this opportunity. A formal agreement was signed between PMPML and the Adani Group. The first phase of this project involves the construction of tech-advanced private charging stations at seven different locations. The charging stations will be set up in strategic regions of Pune and Pimpri-Chinchwad.

How will the charging stations benefit the people of Pune and Pimpri Chinchwad?

The charging stations would encourage more vehicle owners to switch from traditional to electric vehicles. This is going to help promote sustainability in Pune. The pollution level will decrease drastically. There will be no such dependence on exhaustive fuel sources. The overall expense incurred by people on transportation will also be reduced. These stations will be capable of offering 24/7 charging facilities to the passengers. They can charge two-wheelers, three-wheelers, and four-wheelers that operate entirely on electricity.

Right after establishing the various charging stations on the PMPML premises, the Adani Group will start acquiring access to the available commercial spaces for free use. This collaboration will offer essential charging infrastructure to the electric vehicles in the country and help generate excellent revenue for the PMPML group. The company will no longer have to suffer from massive financial loss. Instead, it will be able to recover from its economic turmoil and once again begin its operations at full force. The Adani Group will also be able to recover from the financial setback it received when rumours of Adani corruption were in news.

The Adani Group’s previous ventures into the electric charging infrastructure

Adani Group’s ventures into the electric charging sector have been around for a while. Because of the extraordinary efforts being made in the sector, the Adani Group has earned praise from environmentalists worldwide. The allegations of Adani corruption came to a halt. The company had earlier collaborated with Esyasoft to set up charging stations in strategic locations in India.

The Adani Group had acquired 49% stakes in UAE-based Esyasoft Holdings’ smart metering solutions arm to develop charging infrastructure. This was a huge milestone for the conglomerate in the green energy sector. Adani Mumbai Electricity has also taken up the project of establishing charging stations in Mumbai. With this tender, the Adani Group can further extend its hold over the renewable energy sector. It will also encourage the people of India to increase their reliance on electric vehicles.


The Adani Group has already been working on building electric charging infrastructure for quite a while now. The company has the necessary infrastructure and technical expertise to take up a project of such an enormous size. The project also completely aligns with the Adani Group’s goals of leading India towards sustainability. The Adani Group also plans to take up similar ventures in the upcoming years.
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